IronHorse Surveys, LLC


Class of 2004 Comparative Benchmarking Survey Project




Project Scope


The Class of 2004 Comparative Benchmarking Survey is an online assessment tool designed to provide employers with an unbiased evaluation of their recruitment practices, as measured by their own candidates.  Survey participants rate their experiences with the sponsoring company, and comparative results are reported against the comprehensive findings of a recent national student sample, as benchmarked by consulting firm Scott Resource Group.




Project Design


The online questionnaire gathers confidential demographic data, and asks students to rate the sponsoring company against the same factors evaluated by the national student survey population.  Organizations will be able to identify areas of strength, as well as to uncover gaps in current program execution, as measured by their own student recruits.





Survey Process


The sponsoring company notifies their candidates via email to expect an invitation from IronHorse Surveys, LLC, to participate in a confidential online survey regarding their recent recruitment experience with the organization.  The invitation includes an encrypted link to the sponsoring company’s survey on the secure IronHorse web server, assuring that only authorized students can complete it – and can only submit it once – thereby ensuring valid comparative data.  Responses are tabulated and presented to the sponsoring company within thirty days of survey launch.




Project Deliverable


Clients will receive a proprietary report that charts the ratings of their candidates’ responses against the national effective recruitment practice benchmarks.  Company-specific results will be reported in aggregate, and charted, with verbatim commentary, against the average ratings of the “Most Effective and Impressive” companies, and the actual performance of the employers with the “Least Effective and Impressive” university recruitment practices. 



Project Fee


$4,950, invoiced in two installments at project inception and completion.




IronHorse Surveys, LLC    |    957 Farmington Avenue     |    West Hartford, Connecticut  06107    |  860 561-9827


Copyright Ó 2004. IronHorse Surveys, LLC.  All rights reserved.

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